The legend of jared and I... Hollins first motorcycle ride and OUR HOUSE!
This is the view from our front yard... Not too shabby!
Alot of you have been wondering were we are living so here is a picture of our cute house!
Jared 5 single guy friends live 5 houses up... so here he is riding the motorcycle up to gavins house. He is in hog heaven. Jared I and Hollin on a motorcycle ride.... this is Hollins new favorite thing to do! Hollin did not stop laughing the entire time we were riding The dogs chasing us on our dirt bike ride. This is the new thing to do to wear them out... its GREAT!!!! This is our house from our ride. Ok so jared and I went down to Manti Utah to visit his 99 year old grandma willardsEn... she filled us in on how jared and I are related. Our great great great great grandfather was a polygamist. He had 3 wives. Well polygamy became illegal and so he took one wife to live in Gunnison, UT one wife to Monroe, UT and one wife to Manti, UT. The monroe wife changed her last name to WillardsOn while the other wives kept their names as WillardsEn. So yes jared and i are kissing cousins. Crazy huh?!?!?!?! I thought that we were like 9 grandfathers back but it turns out it was only 4. At least Hollin doesn't have a 3rd eye so we know we are ok! ;) His grandma turns 100 next april!!!!!!
Be still my heart! Just be sure your little biker girl doesn't get a tattoo .... Jared, BE CAREFUL ... NO JUMPS and 5 miles or less would be nice. Oh my .... xxx Nana
hey leah how are you? I know what is up with the polygamist!?!?! Were are actually in provo right now... i love it but when we buy i think i want to be in Holliday area.
that story about your ancestors is REALLY funny! hi btw!!!! i'm so glad you commented on my blog so that i was able to find yours! and you are brave to let hollin on that motorcycle! congrats on the house also! i miss you!
Hey! Yes, I think we are going to the reunion. I haven't thought about it much but I think I will. Are you? It's one of those things that if a lot of people go, it will be fun. I think we have to buy the tickets soon, right? I need to look into it.
at least get her a helmet or goggles or something!!! you guys are nuts!
Be still my heart! Just be sure your little biker girl doesn't get a tattoo .... Jared, BE CAREFUL ... NO JUMPS and 5 miles or less would be nice. Oh my ....
xxx Nana
I swear, we are all related through polygamy! Great story. Where is your house in Utah? (It is beautiful by the way).
hey leah how are you? I know what is up with the polygamist!?!?! Were are actually in provo right now... i love it but when we buy i think i want to be in Holliday area.
um okay that house is amazing!! Are you still in La Canada? SO cute!!! We can't even get a small condo at this point... :(
that story about your ancestors is REALLY funny! hi btw!!!! i'm so glad you commented on my blog so that i was able to find yours! and you are brave to let hollin on that motorcycle! congrats on the house also! i miss you!
I love your house! You all look so good and happy. We're going to Provo in October. We'll have to get together!
Hey! Yes, I think we are going to the reunion. I haven't thought about it much but I think I will. Are you? It's one of those things that if a lot of people go, it will be fun. I think we have to buy the tickets soon, right? I need to look into it.
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