Ok.... even though i think my husband is perfect and totally hot (i really do) :).... he thinks he is fat. Sooooo because i have to loose the rest of my baby weight, 20 freakin' pounds, we have started a competition and the stakes are HIGH!!!!! Who ever gets down the most by july 1st wins. I get a romantoc weekend in vegas and he gets an entire week with the boys. (NICE THAT ALL I WANT IS ALONE TIME WITH HIM, AND ALL HE WANTS IS TIME AWAY FROM ME :( ...) Anyway, just in time for me to start working out UNCLE JOE comes to the rescue. He bought me a BOB jogging stroller. IM SO EXCITED.... JARED IS SCREWED! HA!!!!!
haha. Thats funny. And very nice of Joe. Oh and you are full of it if you think you need to loose 20lbs. Good luck anyways
Just convince yourself you've gained a lot of muscle :-) Oh and good luck competing against men...their testosterone helps them drop their weight like THAT! I am so bitter...
I hate weight loosing contests with Steve. He always beats me. I pretend it is because he can loose weight easier then me (which is true), but it is mainly because he has way more self control! Good Luck! I am still working on mine.
You girls are not making this sound easy....! :(
I have the double BOB and I LOVE it SOOOOOO much! You will love it too! Good luck with the competition! You'll totally win!
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